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The Sfaalic Imperial Cluster, also known as the Sfaalic Empire, or simply, Sfaal, is a major interstellar civilization in the Great Swan Cluster region of the Milky Way galaxy. It stretches across eleven star systems and holds eleven planets, one megastructure, and forty-seven space stations for research, planetary traffic control, commerce, industry, and resource harvest. The core world of Sfaal, where its seat of government is based, is the planet Miirafn in the Emreys system.
“Sfaal” is a word originating from the dominant language of Miirafn (which has come to share its name with the planet itself) that translates, roughly, to “hard work” or “virtue”, depending on the context, and is the central tenet (and name) of the philosophical system that unites the entire empire.
Incidentally, due to the dominance of the philosophy of Sfaal throughout Sfaalic Imperial society, the empire as a whole is often simply referred to as “Sfaal”, not so much as a conflation of the empire and its ideals, but as an indicator of their unity.
Citizens of the Sfaalic Imperial Cluster are afforded a considerable amount of social mobility. Much of the social and class structure is meritocratic, and a person's position in society tends to rise and fall with their contributions to society and with their productivity. Well-accomplished and highly-acclaimed citizens often take administrative positions within the imperial government. The highest office within the Sfaalic Imperial Cluster is that of the High Philosopher, whose achievements in work, life, and society grant them the power to guide the growth and planning of the empire for a period of twenty years. A new High Philosopher is selected when the previous High Philosopher's term or life ends, or if they resign. The selection is at random from a pool of individuals whose accomplishments qualify them, though the details of such qualification are not widely known to the public.
It is broadly encouraged for all citizens to participate in society to their greatest capacity, with awards and incentives of all sizes for all levels of society. Few Sfaalic Imperial citizens live in anything recognizable as poverty, though many do so as a sort of protest against the work-obsessed and, at times, indulgent lifestyles common among the populace.
Underlyingly, the highest echelons of Sfaal seek a spiritual and technological transcendence for themselves, and the work-and-virtue ideology massaged into the common folk from birth is a means to this end which only incidentally benefits the citizenry at large.
The Sfaalic Empire's quest for singularity, immortality, or transcendence is aided by the vassalization or integration of small, neighboring civilizations. In exchange for receiving technological assistance from Sfaal, their brightest minds and deftest hands are granted admission to Sfaalic Imperial universities, trade schools, and work programs. Of particular note is the orbital ring of Taen in the Abrach system, whose Cult of the Inventor-God faith has quickly been adopted throughout much of the Sfaalic Imperial Cluster. Life under Sfaalic Imperial rule is generally pleasant, so thus far, none of the smaller civilizations which have been introduced to Sfaal have refused its aid.
The philosophy of Sfaal and the Cult of the Inventor-God have combined into a belief that the universe is the final rung on the ladder of existence, and that to honor the Inventor-God's ultimate creation, humanity must strive to live in it for as long as possible and as far out as can be reached. Thus, the typical believer is encouraged to assist in the discovery and attainment of immortality for all of Sfaal.