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ak_ana [2021/09/22 04:49]
james [Unity and Exploration]
ak_ana [2021/09/23 15:12] (current)
hannah Added extra newline
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 ===== Overview ===== ===== Overview =====
 Ak Ana is a warm terrestrial planet in orbit of the star Kama Ti in the [[Great Swan Cluster]]. It has an Ak Ana is a warm terrestrial planet in orbit of the star Kama Ti in the [[Great Swan Cluster]]. It has an
-orbital period of 320 days, exerts a gravitational force of 0.9g, and has a human-breathable atmosphere with +orbital period of about 348 days, exerts a gravitational force of 1.1g, and has a human-breathable atmosphere 
-an average pressure at sea level of 97kPa. The planet is populated with a variety of forms of life, including +with an average pressure at sea level of 89.8 kPa. The planet is populated with a variety of forms of life, 
-humans. Recorded human histories on Ak Ana date back several thousand years.+including humans. Recorded human histories on Ak Ana date back several thousand years.
-Unbeknownst to its citizens, much of the population of Ak Ana originates from something of a shipwreck from many +Unbeknownst to its citizens, much of the population of Ak Ana originates from something of a shipwreck from 
-millennia ago. A colony ship which was seeking a much farther star suffered irreparable damage in a collision with +many millennia ago. A colony ship which was seeking a much farther star suffered irreparable damage in a 
-an object in the vicinity of Kama Ti and set down on Ak Ana's surface to attempt repairs. This failed, but enough +collision with an object in the vicinity of Kama Ti and set down on Ak Ana's surface to attempt repairs. This 
-supplies were on board, and enough materials were in the hull of the ship, to construct a permanent settlement. +failed, but enough supplies were on board, and enough materials were in the hull of the ship, to construct a 
-Little of the original colony ship remains, and what does remain would not be recognizable to the civilization +permanent settlement. Little of the original colony ship remains, and what does remain would not be 
-that built it (if they are even still around), but it is nevertheless preserved as a holy site for one of +recognizable to the civilization that built it (if they are even still around), but it is nevertheless 
-Ak Ana's major religions.+preserved as a holy site for one of Ak Ana's major religions.
 ===== History and Politics ===== ===== History and Politics =====
 ==== Unity and Exploration ==== ==== Unity and Exploration ====
-Ak Ana was, for much of the last few centuries, a united under a monarchic planetary government, the Sovereignty +Ak Ana was, for much of the last few centuries, a united under a monarchic planetary government, the 
-of Ak Ana, headed by a figure whose title is the Karal. The Sovereignty pushed for expansion into space for the +Sovereignty of Ak Ana, headed by a figure whose title is the Karal. The Sovereignty pushed for expansion into 
-furtherance of faith, riches, and glory for the Karal and his subjects.+space for the furtherance of faith, riches, and glory for the Karal and their subjects.
-Contact was made with one or two similarly small civilizations with little more than one planet and a few space +Contact was made with one or two similarly small civilizations with little more than one planet and a few 
-stations. Ak Ana engaged in trade with these civilizations, and the resulting cultural and technological exchange +space stations. Ak Ana engaged in trade with these civilizations, and the resulting cultural and technological 
-propelled the Sovereignty and its subjects through a rapid period of growth, complete with aspirations of +exchange propelled the Sovereignty and its subjects through a rapid period of growth, complete with 
-colonization. Ak Ana FTL technology around the beginning of this period of growth, commonly called the Luminous Age +aspirations of colonization. Ak Ana FTL technology around the beginning of this period of growth, commonly 
-by Sovereignty historians, was capable of half a light year per month. After 40 years, this figure was improved to +called the Luminous Age by Sovereignty historians, was capable of half a light year per month. After 40 years, 
-one light year per week.+this figure was improved to one light year per week.
 ==== Blight, Famine, and Technological Regression ==== ==== Blight, Famine, and Technological Regression ====
-The end of the Luminous Age came approximately 50 years ago, just after establishing minor colonies and research +The end of the Luminous Age came approximately 50 years ago, just after establishing minor colonies and 
-bases within the Kama Ti system (in the asteroid belt and on an icy-shelled oceanic moon of a gas giant) and in the neighboring Temez Ri system, on the planet of [[Alara]]. Most of Ak Ana's historians generally agree that the Great +research bases within the Kama Ti system (in the asteroid belt and on an icy-shelled oceanic moon of a gas 
-Blight marked the end of the era.+giant) and in the neighboring Temez Ri system, on the planet of [[Alara]]. Most of Ak Ana's historians 
 +generally agree that the Great Blight marked the end of the era
 +The Great Blight was an anthropogenic disease that affected several of the planet's staple foods. The 
 +Sovereign Botanical Research Laboratory and a genetic engineering firm known as Ulustim Biotechnical were 
 +under contract with the Sovereign government to create a pesticide to help ensure the food supply of Ak Ana 
 +and its colonies. The effort had produced a microbial pesticide, in this case, something resembling a cross 
 +between bacteria and algae, where the organism would persist on the surface of the plant on sunlight and 
 +water vapor, and cause illness to insects and other small animals that sought the plant, but could easily be 
 +washed off for safe human consumption. 
 +Development of this organism took many years and many dozens of strains, but eventually a safe and useful 
 +strain was created and passed laboratory tests with flying colors. Unfortunately, its label was switched with 
 +that of a failed, dangerous strain that had a tendency to eat into the plants it was supposed to be 
 +protecting. This dangerous strain was cultured for production and shipped to a few farms all by mistake. The 
 +farms suffered crop failure within a few weeks, and by the time the mistake had been realized, the microbial 
 +pesticide had already spread to other farms, both by factory distribution, and by the organism itself clinging 
 +to the clothes of farm attendants; the fur, flesh, and feathers of animals; and waterways shared by the farms. 
 +Whether the label was switched intentionally or by accident is a matter of public debate. Some call into 
 +question the quality control of Ulustim Biotechnical's production facility, others suspect a government 
 +conspiracy about population control. This has helped to sow the seeds of doubt in the Sovereignty's legitimacy 
 +and efficacy. 
 +The agricultural lands of some regions were spared from the Blight, by a combination of happy coincidences of 
 +geography and strict decontamination regimes. Nevertheless, there were plant-wide crop failures, and the ability of Ak Ana to feed its people and its colonies was mortally threatened. 
 +==== Annexation and the Red Feather War ==== 
 +Thirteen years ago, the [[Sfaal| Sfaalic Imperial Cluster]] scouted Ak Ana and observed its strife quietly 
 +from high in orbit. Ak Ana's spaceport traffic had slowed considerably, so Sfaal's scouts had little trouble 
 +going unnoticed. 
 +The Sovereignty had diminished in size, with various resource-wealthy regions of the planet seceding to form 
 +their own nations, many of which took on parliamentarian forms of government and economic plans that tried to 
 +recover lost food production and provide for as many citizens as possible through rationing and austerity 
 +measures. The Sovereignty still held a majority of Ak Ana's land and population, but it was a slim majority. 
 +Wealthy, powerful, and well-educated members of Ak Ana society began to flee offworld in a steady trickle, 
 +seeking employment and comfort in more stable neighboring civilizations. Sfaal ended up receiving some of 
 +these Ak Ana expatriates, and used this information in a plan to further the empire's reach. 
 +After a year of monitoring Ak Ana, Sfaal sent a diplomatic party (with military escort) to the capital city 
 +of the Sovereignty, offering it a place in the Sfaalic Imperial Cluster and the technological advancement 
 +and logistical support that accompanies it. Desperate to retain its dwindling power, the Sovereignty accepts, 
 +with the added condition that Sfaal help to reunify the many breakaway states on the planet's surface. 
 +These terms were agreed upon and Sfaal and the Sovereignty of Ak Ana set to work conquering the breakaway 
 +states, which had begun to form an alliance known as the Ingek Confederacy. Though the member states of the 
 +Ingek Confederacy had different philosophies and societal structures, they were unified in the preservation 
 +of Ak Ana, its culture, and its independence. 
 +Of course, Ak Ana was not the only world at the tips of Sfaal's fingers. The stars Kama Ti, Temez Ri, and a 
 +few others formed a band known as the Red Feather within the Great Swan Cluster that acted as a buffer zone 
 +between the Sfaalic Imperial Cluster and another major civilization, the Ornbar Stellar Union. The Ornbar 
 +Stellar Union had grown wary of Sfaal's expansionist tendencies, and took military action against Sfaalic 
 +Imperial integration of Red Feather systems. 
 +Sfaal effectively press-ganged its new constituents from the Red Feather systems into the war effort and 
 +backed their drafted soldiers with forces from within the empire, while Ornbar rallied anti-Sfaal sentiments 
 +and citizens on the surfaces of the contested worlds. While Ornbarite and Sfaalic navies clashed in the Red 
 +Feather systems, proxy wars between planet-bound governments took place on the surfaces of these worlds. The 
 +Sovereignty of Ak Ana faced off against the Ingek Confederacy in a bloody land war. 
 +In the present day, this conflict has come to be known as the Red Feather War or the Sfaal–Ornbar War. 
 +The war was, ultimately, rather short. After four years of push and pull across the Red Feather systems, 
 +Sfaal ousted the Ornbar Stellar Union and unified all the Red Feather civilizations under Sfaalic Imperial 
 +==== Recent Events ==== 
 +Ak Ana now firmly resides under Sfaalic Imperial rule, with the Sovereignty now acting chiefly as a political 
 +interface for Sfaal, and as a figurehead to the people of Ak Ana. The former Sovereignty colony of Alara was 
 +claimed by Sfaal as well. While Ak Ana has been saved from its collapse, its escape from disaster has left it 
 +quite a different civilization indeed. 
 +===== Pronunciation Guide ===== 
 +  * **Ak Ana**: /ak ˈ 
 +  * **Kama Ti**: /ˈ ti/ 
 +  * **Karal**: /kaˈral/ 
 +  * **Temez Ri**: /ˈtɛm.ɛz ri/ 
 +  * **Alara**: /aˈla.ra/ 
 +  * **Ulustim**: /u.lusˈtim/ 
 +  * **Ingek**: /ˈɪŋ.gɛk/ 
 +  * **Ornbar**: /ˈor.ə 
 +===== Gallery ===== 
 +Ak Ana and its two largest moons. The dearth of plantlife is visible on many of the planet's continents.
ak_ana.1632286180.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/22 04:49 by james